Press Releases
April 27, 2023
BrettonTrova Disrupts Nurse Recruitment and Retention Space with Launch of Recruitment as a Service BrettonTrova launches revolutionary Recruitment as a Service (RaaS) to help healthcare organizations overcome nurse staffing and retention challenges. Manchester, NH, April 27, 2023 - BrettonTrova, an end-to-end healthcare nurse recruitment firm that helps healthcare organizations build sustainable staffing models and [...]
November 16, 2022
Bretton Health Solutions, Trova Healthcare Announce Merger FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Hampshire, November 16, 2022 - Bretton Healthcare Solutions and Trova Healthcare have announced the merger of both organizations. With each company focusing on various aspects of nurse staffing and recruitment services the new merged entity, BrettonTrova, will work synergistically in offering complementary services [...]